Thursday, September 25, 2008


Last year we went to Illinois College's (Seth's alma mater) Homecoming with Sienna. My grandmother made her a cheerleading outfit since the bookstore quit carrying them.

She was adorable:

This year I tried the same outfit on (I figured it would fit, I just didn't know how well):

Needless to say...she has certainly gotten taller, but that is about it! Seth thinks we should put a onesie on her no matter what (I'm going for it only if we need long-sleeves) What do you think?

Sidenote: Please overlook the fact that my child is totally ignoring the camera (Kai-lan was on-thank goodness for the DVR)

1 comment:

KrisJ said...

I cant believe how much she has grown in a year. I cant believe Ive been following for a year!! Shes so dang cute!!!