Thursday, April 24, 2008


This just makes me want to cry. I am now glad that we waited so long while the police determined that Sienna was a true orphan so that she was available for adoption.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Well, I can't say as those of us here in central Illinois are used to the one this morning sure woke most of us up!! Seth and I were awakened this morning to our bed moving on our hard wood floor and the large windows in our room rattling like they were going to fall out. My first thought was that we were in a really bad storm (think tornado) except that there wasn't the loud train sound (Seth and I were at a movie theater that a tornado went over several years ago...causing thousands of dollars of damage to my car outside).

Anyway...we decided that it must have been an earthquake and went back to bed. Sienna never did wake up. When we woke up I Googled it and sure enough, there was a 5.4 earthquake in southern Illinois that was felt in Chicago, Des Moines and up to 450 miles from the epicenter (near West Salem and Mount Carmel). Crazy!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sienna's Two-year Pictues

Sienna had the most beautiful pictures taken by a local photographer. You can check out two of Sienna's photos on Kimberly Smoot's blog!! Go here and click on "visit blog" in the middle. Sienna's pictures are down a little ways on the post dated April 12.