Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sienna has moved on from her Little People to babies. She has begun naming them (instead of just calling them baby). She named one after one of my friends, one after herself, one after me and one after daddy. She also kept telling me the name of one and I couldn't figure it out-she kept saying Chriscinda...finally I remembered that the doll's given name was Kass Kendra. I told her that about two weeks ago (when she decided that she would name it after her-well, at the time). I was so surprised when she remembered that!! all her friends:

Kass Kendra:

Sienna Grace Yen:

Mommy Sarah Jane:

Daddy Seth James:

Megan A-Rie:

Sienna holding doll Sienna's hair for the picture:

Arranging Megan A-Rie just right:

Holding poor Daddy Seth James by the hair:
(I love her face in the background)

Sidenote: Many of us find Sienna's Sienna doll to be particularly scary. My mother found her and she is technically Hawaiian, but we get what we can find around here. Also, you can tell that we have tried to provide Sienna with plenty of dolls that look like her as well as dolls that she chooses from the store.

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