The amount of juice she drinks came to mind and then I recalled how we used to have such an issue with her holding food in her mouth. Like I said, she doesn't each much candy, but she does enjoy fruit snacks (I do spend the extra money for the healthier ones) and while they might be better for her nutrition, fruit snacks aren't any better on teeth than candy.
We will see a pediatric dentist next month to determine the best course of action. Sienna is surprisingly excited (mostly because she doesn't want the cavities in her mouth), but she's not too happy about the new food and drink restrictions we have enforced.
The majority of her cavities are in her molars, and I'm glad we were able to get her to cooperate with the x-rays. Sienna's mouth is quite small and even the children's x-ray film was uncomfortable in her mouth and the hygienist had to bend them a little so Sienna could close her mouth.
Here are two pictures of her getting ready for her x-rays:
It may be nothing you've done wrong, Sarah. Both Gracie and Ian have had numerous cavities and both had dental surgery - she was 4 and he was only 2 - to repair all the damage. Neither have had a cavity since their surgeries. The dentist told me that the problems could be the result of poor (or no) prenatal care. Maybe once the problems are solved, she'll not have any more cavities (like us!)
Some kids are just prone. Formerly orphaned Vietnamese kids top the list, unfortunately. It may not be the snacks at all although I'd do the same thing. FWIW Addy drinks tons of juice and eats constantly and hasn't a cavity in her mouth. My older two boys, though, had several by her age and we had to do the teeth-friendly snacks and limited grazing bit. Happy to say they never had another cavity since (and they are teens now)and now we don't really monitor when/how they eat like when they were little.
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