Friday, April 16, 2010

Sienna's tubes

Sienna was having the same horrible ear infections that she used to have (and that Ahren was also having) so her doctor suggested she get tubes. She wasn't really looking forward to her surgery (can you blame her) and the day of didn't really go well. She was irritated she had to wear a gown and then the Tylenol with codeine gave her hives...

After the surgery she was MAD and didn't want anyone other than daddy. She kept asking, "what's happening to me?" After she came out of her fog a little more she kept saying, "oh boy, oh boy, oh boy." We had to hurry home after she was feeling better so I could take Ahren to his nine-month appointment and that was a bad plan as she puked in a bag about a mile from our house!!

She was feeling fine after a nap and then lunch and was happy to get a chance to play with her brother!

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