Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Sister Class

The hospital where baby Ahren will be born offers a free class for siblings to learn about the new baby coming to their house. Sienna and two of her friends (one from swimming lessons and one from school all attended the class last Sunday afternoon). The instructor read a book dealing with big brothers and sisters (all children received a copy), they got to hold baby dolls, change a diaper on the doll, wrap the baby a present, color the baby a picture and even tour the maternity suites! Sienna thought it was pretty cool!

Here she is coloring Ahren a picture:

Wrapping baby Ahren's present - a bib that says "I have a great big sister"

Learning how to support the head:

Holding the baby:

She doesn't realize this, but this is how mommy and daddy will look in the middle of the night when Ahren is hungry:

*I didn't get any pictures of her diapering the baby, but she did really well all on her own - although she was quite irritated they didn't have wipes because everyone knows you have to wipe before the new diaper goes on!

*When they demonstrated how a mirror (which WON'T be used) and a big light drop out of the ceiling above the bed in the maternity suites, Sienna immediately exclaimed, "Oh, a FLASHLIGHT!" The instructor thought it was hilarious!!

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