Sunday, July 29, 2007

The finalization of a childhood dream.

Unlike many adoptive parents, my husband and I decided to adopt over conceiving. Adopting is something that I have wanted to do since I was a young child playing with dolls: I would always be the orphanage director that would care for all the children and then take them all home with me and then the perfect man would come and we would be one big happy family. I even wrote of adopting in a class paper at 17. In earning my BA in social work I spent many hours researching adoption for papers and projects.
Now that we have had Sienna for 8 months and she has adapted to her new life so easily, we are experiencing the culmination of years of longing to adopt from Asia. She has exceeded all of our expectations.

At 15 months she can:
run like a pro
say mama, dada, papa, grannie, mamaw, picture, apple, light, tickle, home, OK, dog, cat, clock, rock, tree, baby, no, baba (now her word for her pacifier)
go up and down the stairs safely
go down a slide by herself (on her own volition)
order people around
talk on the phone (when she wants)
randomly push buttons on the cell phone to make a call
look through her books and babble like she is reading to herself
she has 10 teeth with 2 more coming in

She is a fearless little thing and we enjoy every minute of her!!

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