Since we have had so much snow, we decided to finally go sledding today! Since it was close to dusk we didn't get any pics of the actual event, but here are some before and after pics (check out the pink cheeks and runny nose):
If you haven't been to Old Navy lately, I would advise that you run out and get this onesie (if your child is a max of size 6-12 months or a boy)! I found one here for quite a bit more and was planning on ordering it for X-mas, but at $7.50, you just can't beat it!!
Yesterday we celebrated our first year with Sienna. We got her a balloon that said, "1st Family Day" and she loved saying, "mine!!!"
One year ago we picked up our angel after a day spent anxiously waiting for our departure time. We went from our hotel in Hanoi to her orphanage in Bac Giang where we first had tea with the orphanage director (whose wife was at home extremely sick from cancer). We were escorted to her side of the orphanage (there are two areas-one for babies going to French families and another for the American families). I will tell you that my biggest fear was that I wouldn't recognize her-even from all of the pics we had. I would then feel like the worst mother in the world. Well, I definitely didn't have to worry b/c I saw her right away!
There she was, standing in a crib next to An-also being picked up that day.
She was such an easy-going baby. She never did cry until later that night-at bedtime.
Her first pic with mom:
Her first pic with dad:
One of her caregivers:
Ready for bed on that first night-she slept the entire night on Seth's chest-he was so happy and constantly says how he wishes she would still do that. She now wakes whenever she is put in our bed and hits us and tells us, "HI!!!"
Family Day Dinner-one year later:
We went to our local Vietnamese restaurant. My parents, my bro, s-i-l, nephew, sister, and Seth's parents came to celebrate with us!
With mommy:
With daddy:
Coloring with cousin Clay-trust Grandma Donna to come bearing activities:
The child that will eat any and everything needed to try the lettuce garnish:
Eating a 'golden triangle'-I don't remember all that is in it, but I could eat TONS of these-well, so could she:
Looking down the table:
I was referred to the video entitled Vietnam Journey from Waiting for Khai. I was very heartwarming and it brought back a lot of memories from almost a year ago. I cannot wait until the end of the month so that we can celebrate our first family day together!!
Check out the poor nose-it has been running like a sieve!
But she is 'dangerously cute'
There have been many issues in the VN adoption community about ethical adoptions. I traveled with a family that used an agency for their first adoption that was less than ethical (they didn't realize it until they were in VN-not PLAN, but another that does have a current license). They were terrified that they were not able to bring their daughter home. They eventually did, but they definitely did more research for their second adoption. I feel very bad for the families receiving NOIDs, but I do not feel bad that people are doing their jobs and making sure the integrity of VN adoptions remains high.
At 18 months:
Sienna is still so tiny~ she will just always be petite!
18 lbs even
29 inches tall
She got all of her shots today~even her flu shot (which did NOT contain thimerosal) so she was not a happy girl.
She has been talking so much lately~she has so many words!! She knows all of her body parts, all of her animal sounds and many peoples' names. Sienna can say her name (but says it as "Nenna"). It just amazes me the new things she comes home and says everyday.
She goes potty when she feels like it, but when she is naked she does tend to have accidents on our floor. She'll tell you "I pee" and "I poo" when she wants changed.
She loves to climb and her slide is her favorite toy. She also loves her kitchen and she spends her time cooking and then sharing her creations. She also loves her play piggy bank which counts and sings to her as she puts the coins in.
She is overly obsessed with shoes and would like to have more two feet so that she could wear more of them.
We converted her crib to a toddler bed this weekend to celebrate her 18 months. She still doesn't get that she can get up and come into our room when she wakes up. I think it is because she isn't really all that with it when she wakes.