As we walked into the orphanage and I saw your beautiful face I knew all of my fears about not recognizing you were baseless. You were (and are) the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen!! I was amazed that you didn't cry or make a fuss; you were just curious about these new people entering your life and giving you toys and kisses.
We spent so much time at the orphanage because of the director's wife that the police department was actually closed when we arrived for your Giving and Receiving Ceremony so we didn't have an actual ceremony. You stayed in the cab with the driver while we went in to their office, had tea, and signed all of the forms. It all happened so fast!
You were enthralled by the lights of the other cars and the houses that we passed on the way back to Hanoi and you just stared out the window the entire time. We fed you when we got to the hotel and we made a MESS! You were amazed by all of the new sights and sounds of our hotel room (especially the TV). As we settled in for our first night together you didn't want to give in and sleep. You were confused and you cried. You kept bouncing your little body (it took us several days to realize that is how you put yourself to sleep in the bouncers at the orphanage), but you finally fell asleep on daddy's chest and that is how you spent almost every night in Vietnam.
You are not my little baby any more, but a big girl able to do so much for yourself. The love you have for others surpasses all expectations and that helps you be the best big sister to your little bear. You amaze me every day and my love for you continues to grow! Happy Family Day!!!
Showing off her favorite book (her teacher read it to the class):
Our angel on her special day: