My cousin got married yesterday and the wedding was beautiful (as was the bride). Sienna absolutely LOVES weddings and Ahren did very well at his first.
Our family:
Seth & me:
Sienna was the hit of the wedding (as she usually is). She is quite the dancer and had a blast with everyone on the dance floor! She would shake her little booty and then pulled a little stunt that will drive mom & dad crazy when she gets older...she dropped to the floor and leaned back so she could kick her legs up spread eagle and then moved along like it was just any regular dance move!! Watch out!
Ahren has a toy that lights up and plays music when he kicks the footboard. It will also turn on if you push a few levers on the top or turn the wheel. He never really related the footboard to turning it on and tries to kick the top of it with his feet. It is pretty funny and he sometimes gets the footboard inadvertantly and then looks confused when it turns on because he knows he didn't get the top!
A few weekends ago the whole family took a trip down to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals/Cubs game. We had a party room and Sienna and Ahren got to go to their first major league baseball game!